*** Guide-to-Links ***

RJ is used to connect adverbs, and in various other, miscellaneous conjoined phrases and clauses.

       +---Ss--+---Ox--+    +--RJlv-+---RJrv--+
       |       |       |    |       |         |
      she handled.v-d it quickly and.j-r gracefully 
In the above example, the RJ links join the adverbs "quickly" and "gracefully" to the central coordinator "and". The "and" acts as a head-word, connecting as if it were an adverb itself: joining with an MV link to the modified verb on the left.

The subtypes RJl, RJr, standing for "left" and "right", are used to maintain sequential ordering, which is important for comma-separated lists of adverbs; thus, for example:

               |                 +----RJlv----+          
               |            +RJlv+RJrv+       +---RJrv--+
               |            |    |    |       |         |
      she handled.v-d it quickly , quietly and.j-r gracefully 

Besides adverbs, the RJ link is used for various prepositional, relative and subordinate clauses:

Conjoined Subordinate Clauses

Conjoined subordinate clauses use the RJ*c link:

         |     +------RJlc-----+  
         |     +-Ss-+--Ox-+    +-RJrc+--Ss--+--Ox--+
         |     |    |     |    |     |      |      | 
     although he likes.v me and.j-r he respects.v me , he says he needs some privacy 
Clauses that are not subordinate use the CC link:
        |     +-----Opt----+        |           +----Opt----+
        +-Spx-+    +--Dmc--+        +-Wdc-+-Spx-+    +--Dmc-+
        |     |    |       |        |     |     |    |      |
      these are.v the snippers.n and.ij those are.v the cutters.n 

Conjoined prepositional-object-relative phrases

Conjoined prepositional-object-relative phrases use the RJ*j link:

                  |     +----RJlj---+-------Cs-------+       
                  |     +--Jw-+     +-RJrj-+-Jw-+    |
                  |     |     |     |      |    |    |
      that is the man for.p whom and.j-r with whom Joe works 

Conjoined "those" relative clauses

Conjoined "those" relative clauses use the RJ*r link:

                                |   +----------------RJlr----------------+
                                |   +------Bp-----+                      |      +----Bp---+
                                |   +--R-+---RS---+-----Ou----+     +-Xd-+-RJrr-+--R-+-RS-+
                                |   |    |        |           |     |    |      |    |    |
    there are 10 kinds of people: those who understand.v binary.n-u , and.j-r those who don't . 

Conjoined "that"

Conjoined "that" use the RJ*t link:

            |            +---------RJlt--------+
            |            +-Cet-+               +--RJrt--+-Cet-+
            |            |     |               |        |     |
      I told.v-d him that.j-c I.p hated him and.j-r that.j-c I.p never wanted to see him again 

See also the XJ link, and the conjunction overview.

Grammar Documentation Page.