Coordinating Conjunctions (old style) in the Link Grammar Parser
Coordinating conjunctions
1.0. The original description of the handling of conjunctions[Back to Introduction to Link Grammar] [Back to Link Grammar front page]
1.1. The handling of conjunctions
1.2. Uses of conjunctions
1.3. Subscripts
1.4. Some problems
Coordinating Conjunctions
Earlier versions of the Link Grammar parser (those prior to version 4.7.0) used a special technique for parsing sentences containing conjunctions. This technique proved to have a number of disadvantages, and was removed in 2014, with version 5.2.0. Problems included:
Worse, the technique was encoded purely algorithmically, in C code, making it (very) hard to modify, expand, or refine. None-the-less, this was done because the original authors believed that there was no other way; that the handling of coordinating conjunctions did not fit "naturally" into the theory of Link Grammar. The current maintainers believe that this is not at all the case: that coordinating conjunctions can be handled quite well within the context of the main theory. In fact, using ordinary links to handle conjunctions increases specifity and coverage, allowing a broader range of sentences to be parsed correctly, while reducing combinatorial explosion, and providing a tremendous boost to performance (quite often, a factor of ten or more for most well-written, "literate" texts, of the kind that might contain long, complex sentences). What follows below is a verbatim copy of the original description of conjunction handling. The current technique, introduced in version 4.7.0, is described here. The use of the old-style, "fat" linkages is disabled in versions 4.7.0 through 5.2.0, and the code to support it was permanently removed in 2014, in version 5.2.0. It can be enabled in these older versions by specifying the !use-fat=1 flag at the parser prompt, or by calling parse_options_set_use_fat_links(TRUE) from C code.
- A relatively non-specific way of conjoining parses, which leads to ...
- A combinatorial explosion of possible linkages, which results in ...
- Poor performance when parsing long, complex sentences.
1.0. THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION OF THE HANDLING OF CONJUNCTIONS. Coordination constructions do not fit naturally into the framework of link grammars. We have devised a method for automatically transforming the given link grammar into another one that captures the desired phenomena. (It involves internally generating special links for use with conjunctions, which we call "fat links".) This system is hard-wired in, and cannot easily be modified by the user. However, it has proven to be effective in handling the vast majority of uses of conjunctions. Our discussion will focus on the word "and", although the ideas apply to the use of "or", "but", "either-or", "neither-nor", "both-and", and "not only - but".
1.1. THE HANDLING OF CONJUNCTIONS. We begin by proposing a simple definition of the use of "and" within the framework of link grammars. Then we'll mention a few problems with the definition, and suggest an improvement. The second definition is the one used in our system. It has drawbacks, but on balance it has proven to be remarkably effective.
Given a sequence S of words containing the word "and", a "well-formed 'and' list" L is a contiguous subsequence of words satisfying these conditions:
1. There exists a way to divide L into components (called "elements" of the well-formed "and" list) such that each element is separated from its neighboring elements by either a comma or the word "and" (or both). (The comma and the "and" are not part of the element.) The last pair of elements must be separated by "and" (or a comma followed by "and"). For example, in "The dog, cat, and mouse ran", "dog", "cat", and "mouse" are the elements of the well-formed "and" list "dog, cat, and mouse".
2. Each of the sequences of words obtained by replacing L (in S) by one of the elements of L is a sentence of the link grammar.
3. There is a way of choosing a linkage for each of these sentences such that the set of links outside of the "and" list elements are exactly the same in all of the sentences, and the connectors joining the sentence with its "and" list element are the same. In other words, if we cut the links connecting the element to the rest of the sentence, remove that element from the sentence, and replace it by one of the other elements, then the cut links can be connected to the element so as to create a valid linkage.
The sequence S is grammatical if each instance of "and" in it is part of a well-formed and list.
For example, consider the sentence "We ate popcorn and watched movies on TV for three days." The the phrase "ate popcorn and watched movies on TV" is a well-formed "and" list because it can be divided into elements "ate popcorn" and "watched movies on TV ", which satisfy all of the conditions above. The following two linkages show this. Note that in both cases the element is attached to the rest of the sentence with an "S" to the left and an "MV" to the right.
+-------------------MVp-------------------+-----Jp-----+ +-Wd-+Sp+--Os--+ | +--Dmc-+ | | | | | | | ///// we ate popcorn.n for.p three days.n +---------MVp---------+-----Jp-----+ +-Wd-+----------Sp----------+---Op---+--Mp-+Js+ | +--Dmc-+ | | | | | | | | | ///// we watched movies.n on TV for.p three days.nThere is a major problem with this definition. It contains no requirement that the words of an element of an "and" list be connected to each other, nor be related in any way (other than being contiguous). This allows many clearly ungrammatical sentences to be accepted, and generates numerous spurious linkages of correct sentences. For example, it would imply that "I like the beer John and wine Harry drank" is a valid sentence.
We have two techniques to limit the set of sentences deemed grammatical by this rule. The first is to simply restrict the types of connectors that can connect the element of the "and" list to the rest of the sentence. The list of connectors allowed to do this is contained in the list "ANDABLE-CONNECTORS" in the dictionary. (If a connector type is included in this list, this means, in effect, that several of them may be joined to a connector of the opposite type. So, including "S-" on this list allows "John ran and skipped".) See Section 1.2 for further discussion of "andable connectors".
The second method is to restrict the definition of a well-formed "and" list. Say that a well-formed "and" list is a "strict and list" if it also satisfies the following condition: Each element must be connected to the rest of the sentence through exactly one of its words. (It may use many connectors.)
This is the system that we have implemented. This logic of dealing with conjunctions is reflected in the parser's output. A sentence with conjunctions is outputted showing the sentence split up into several sub-sentences:
+---J--+ +--------S----------+-MV+ +-D-+ | | | | | John, Dave, and Fred ran in the park +---J--+ +---S----------+-MV+ +-D-+ | | | | | John, Dave, and Fred ran in the park +---J--+ +S--+-MV+ +-D-+ | | | | | John, Dave, and Fred ran in the parkAlternatively, the conjunctive linkages can be merged into one in the display. To use this mode, type "!union". For the above sentence, "!union" mode yields this:
+----------Ss----------+ | +-------Ss------+ +---Js--+ | | +-Ss-+-MVp+ +-Ds-+ | | | | | | | John , Dave , and Fred ran.v in the park.nIn some cases, "!union" mode may result in "crossing" links - the one situation where this is possible:+------Ds------+ | +-------Ss------+ +-Ds-+ +--Ss-+ | | | | the cat.n and dog.n ran.vOf course, several conjunctions may occur in a sentence: "John and Fred ran and jumped". In such cases, sub-linkages will be generated for each combination of and-list elements: "John ran, "John jumped", "Fred ran", and "Fred jumped". Nested "and" structures are also allowed, like "The people and their sons and daughters were there". In sentences containing several conjunctions, a large number of sub-linkages may be generated for a single linkage. For this reason, it may be preferable to use the "!union" display.
Conjunctions are a frequent source of ambiguity. For example, in the sentence "Several big cats and dogs with sharp teeth chased me", "several" may or may not apply to "dogs" (as a plural noun, "dogs" does not require a determiner); "big" may or may not apply to dogs; and "with sharp teeth" may or may not apply to cats. Linkages for all of these possibilities will of course be generated.
1.2. USES OF CONJUNCTIONS. The implementation of conjunctions is "hard-wired" in, and cannot be easily modified. However, it covers the vast majority of uses of coordinating conjunctions. First of all, it allows a wide variety of connector types to be used with conjunctions. As mentioned above, this is controlled by the connectors listed in the "ANDABLE-CONNECTORS" list in the dictionary. It can be seen that most common connector types (both "+" and "-" forms) are included on the list, permitting a variety of conjunctive expressions. Here are examples of some of the more commonly used "andable-connectors":
John and Fred ran (S+)
John ran and jumped (S-)
I saw Sue and Mary (O-)
I saw and greeted Sue (O+)
She left with John and Fred (J-)
The dog I saw and chased was black (B-, S-)
It was big and black (P-)
The dog and the cat I saw were black (B+, R+)
She arrived and left on Tuesday (MV-)
She did it quickly and efficiently (MV-)
The dog and cat ran (D-)
I told her that I was coming and that you would be late (TH-)
What did you tell her and what did she say (Wq-)
I left and she followed (Wd-)
Sue, a teacher and scholar, is here (MX-, Xc+, Xd-)
Some connector types are not included on the "andable" list; the corresponding conjunctive usages are therefore not permitted. Many of these usages are not exactly ungrammatical, but simply never occur, like PP+: "?They have and we have gone", G- ("?Fred Smith and Jones are here" [meaning "Fred Smith and Fred Jones are here]"), ND+ ("?She left three days or weeks ago"), and EA+ ("?She is very or somewhat competent"). Others truly seem ungrammatical, like Q+: "*Would or could you go?".
As well as "and", the system also handles the conjunctions "or", "but", "either-or", "neither-nor", "both-and", and "not only - but":
+--------------Sp-------------+ +-----Sp----+--Os-+ +--Op---+ | | | | | we ate popcorn or watched movies we either ate popcorn or watched movies we neither ate popcorn nor watched movies we both ate popcorn and watched movies we ate popcorn but watched movies we not only ate popcorn but watched moviesAll the words involved in conjunctive constructions--"and", "but", "or", "both", "nor", "either", "neither", "not", and "only"--must be included in the dictionary. (If such a word is removed, its conjunctive use will be disabled.) However, such words may also be given ordinary linkage expressions, and in fact are. These ordinary usages are considered along with their conjunctive usages. If no ordinary linkage expression is desired for a word, simply give it a linkage expression containing a dummy connector of some kind that will never be used, like "NO+".
A few usages of coordinating conjunctions are handled using ordinary link logic (this is why there are ordinary connector expressions for these words in the dictionary). There is some overlap between the special ("fat-link") handling of conjunctions and the ordinary handling, so that some sentences receive multiple parses. For example, ordinary clauses conjoined together will receive two parses: "John ran and Fred walked". See the entries in the Guide-To-Links on "W" and "CC" for discussion these ordinary usages of conjunctions.
1.3. SUBSCRIPTS. How should subscripts (on the connector names) be dealt with? When two or more connectors with different subscripts are combined with "and", they may only connect to a connector that may connect to all of them. For example, consider the following dictionary:
a: Ds+; the: D+; those: Dm+; cats dogs: Dm-; cat dog: Ds-;Among the determiners above only "the" can grammatically be allowed to modify the "and" list "cats and dog". This is because the only connector which matches Dm- and Ds- is D+, not Ds+ or Dm+. This is the solution we implement.
There is an exception to be handled here, however. The system we've described so far would accept "the dog and cat runs", while rejecting "the dog and cat run". Both of these judgements are wrong because in English whenever two singular subjects are "anded" together they become plural. We have incorporated this exception: "Ss+" connectors, when "anded" together, may connect to an "Sp-", but not to an "Ss-".
1.4. SOME PROBLEMS. There are a few problems to be discussed. Some of these are handled by the current system; others are not. One problem is sentences like the following:
I gave Bob a doll and Mary a gun.
This is a problem Moscow created and failed to solve.
The former will be rejected since in "I gave Bob a doll", "gave" is linked to both "Bob" and to "doll". Thus, "Bob a doll" cannot be an element of a strict "and" list. In the second sentence, "Moscow" needs to connect to "failed" and "problem" must connect to "solve", so "problems to solve" cannot be an element of a strict "and" list. This phenomenon does occur (although rarely) in formal English, so we would like to solve it. The problem remains in our current system.
Another problem arises with embedded clauses. Consider the following linkage of the sentence "I think John and Dave ran".
+-S-+--C--+-----S------+ | | | | I think John and Dave ran +-S--+ | | I think John and Dave ranThis linkage is a combination of the following two sentences "I think John ran" and "Dave ran". This linkage should clearly be rejected. (Actually, this linkage would not be found anyway in the current version, but this is a simple demonstration of the problem.) Intuitively, the problem with this linkage is that the same "S" link (the one between "and" and "ran") is being used to mean something that "I think" ("John ran") and also something that is just a fact ("Dave ran"). We have devised a system for detecting such patterns, using post-processing (see section 6). As mentioned above, we handle conjunction sentences by expanding the original sentence into several subsentences. We then compute the domain structure of the resulting linkage of each sentence. Finally, the original linkage is deemed incorrect if the nesting structure of a pair of links descending from the same link ("e.g." the "S" links in the two sentences above) do not have the same domain ancestry (are contained in the same set of domains). Linkages which are considered incorrect in this way have the message "inconsistent domains" at the top of the display.
Another problem concerns the different kinds of conjunctions. Right now, our system does not distinguish between the various kinds of conjunctions allowed; any of them may be used with any "andable" connector. However, there appear to be different constraints on different conjunctions. This results in some false positives:
I saw John and Fred
*I saw John but Fred
The dog or cat ran
*The either dog or cat ran
A few other smaller problems should be mentioned. Sometimes adverbs are used with conjunctions:
He talked to Steve and, apparently, Fred
*He talked to, apparently, Fred
As the second sentence shows, it is the conjunction that makes the first adverbial use valid. We have no good way of handling this construction. Secondly, there are some special uses of punctuation with conjunctions. Sometimes, a comma is inserted both before and after the final element in an "and" list (ex.1). And sometimes semi-colons may be used instead of commas, particularly when the and-list elements themselves contain commas (ex. 2).
1. John, and Steve, are coming
2. John; my advisor, Steve; and several other people are coming
Thus our system still needs some work in the area of conjunctions.
Davy Temperley Last modified: 6 July 2010